TurnItIn Errors

Have you ever submitted a TurnItIn file and got an “X” for your similarity report or even a big red error message? If this has happened to you, always contact the e-Learning Service Desk as soon as possible and we can help. Below are some of the more common reasons why this happens and what to do:

  • TurnItIn doesn’t like your file’s name – Do not use and unusual characters in your filename, such as: \ / : * ? " < > | [ ] { } ), it is best to only use letter and numbers.
  • You are using a file type it doesn’t like – This mainly happens for Mac users, please use Microsoft Office, if possible, as it is provided by the university, or make sure that when you save, you save as a Word or PowerPoint file.
  • You’ve submitted a file that doesn’t contain enough words – This likely happens if you submit a Word file with a link to a Panopto video or an image as TurnItIn only generates a report for more than 20 words.

For more detailed information see the Self-Service portal guide to What to name your file and what file types are acceptable.

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