Uploading an assignment you have stored on the Cloud (OneDrive/Google Drive/iCloud)

Storing your documents on the cloud is highly recommended; it means you can access your files on any computer, anywhere, but when it comes to submitting your assignment, it can cause some issues.

Unlike submitting a document stored on your device (computer, phone, tablet etc.) you should not click and drag the file from the Cloud to the submission point as this sometimes does not submit the file, but sometimes a shortcut, which means no one else can access your submission. One way to judge if your tutor can access the file you have uploaded is if there is a TurnItIn report; if one is not generated, please contact e-Learning before the deadline and we can help.

Here are some guides on how to submit a file you have stored on OneDrive and one on files stored on Google Drive, it is a similar process for files stored on iCloud, but we do not have an individual guide for it.

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