TurnItIn Practice Assignment

You can practise submitting an assignment and checking the similarity report that Turnitin produces using the Turnitin Practice assignment. You can find the link to the Moodle page with the practice assignment on either the Moodle Home Page or via the Useful links menu at the top of the Moodle screen. When you submit your assignment, a similarity report is produced after about 10-15 minutes. This will happen for your first three submissions to the same assignment in Moodle in any given 24-hour period. If you re-submit your assignment a fourth time, in the same 24 hours, the new similarity report will be available after 24 hours. The practice assignment has been set up so that your submitted assignment is not stored in the Turnitin repository of papers. This means that when you come to submit the same paper to the official assignment link in the course module in Moodle, Turnitin will not check for any similarities with the version of your work that you submitted to the practice assignment earlier.

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