Modules missing from My Courses

If you ever go to your My Courses page on Moodle and discover you are missing module pages, this could be down to a few things.

  • If it is the start of the year, the pages might still be hidden by the tutor. Be patient as they may not be ready to show them yet, or they might appreciate a friendly reminder to show the page.
  • You might not be enrolled on the module. If this is the case, you need to speak to Registry to help you with enrolling on the module.
  • You might accidentally have a filter on. There is a filter on the My Courses page, if changed from "All" to any other option, you might find some pages become hidden, change it back to "All" and they should appear again.
    Screenshot showing the My Courses Filter

  • You might be on the wrong Moodle Year. If all the above is how it should be, you might just be on the wrong Moodle Year. You can change this by selecting the Moodle Year you want from the "Other Years' Moodles" tab and then login again.

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